Online marketers and business owner always have to go ahead with the Google algorithm update. Google has released several algorithm updates continuously. Depending on these updated rules Google has ranked website in the first position. On-page SEO is the part of the algorithm. Google panda has released on February 23, 2011. It checks out all poor content of the online website. It is giving Google ranking till now according to rules of quality content. All of the algorithms are not still effective. Yet the value of it is still effective and increasing. It is working in a great way. Today I am going to share with you all the secrets of doing better on-page SEO for your website.
On-Page SEO
It is the overall internal structure of a website. But there are huge techniques to optimize your website for on the page. The owner has to follow and maintain some rules and regulation for controlling on-page SEO. It is the optimization process of the Title tag, meta description, Alt text. As well as the proper use of content publishing is the most important part of on-page SEO. Moreover, mobile responsiveness is belonging to on page search engine optimization.
The ultimate target of Google is to give the best service to all internet users. That’s why you have to understand the root point. The more your customer will be happy to visit your site the more preference you will get from Google. Generally, Google considers an online website as a user-friendly site according to some rules. Staying times of visitor in your site is one of them. It’s important to Google. Besides, a lot of vital techniques should have implemented on your site. I am discussing all it.
Website Loading Speed
It is about 48% user are love to stay on a website which is speedy within at least 3 second.CLICK TO TWEET
It is said from research that the maximum user is avoided slow speedy page. It’s natural to avoid a slow website. People are busier, so they don’t waste their time. Though matt cuts said in 2010 that page speed is not so much important for ranking. But at present, it bears a great impact on your ranking in Google.
Firstly, you have to check out your website speed both for mobile and desktop users. If it is quite good, then you are ahead one step. If it is not better, then you really have to think. We can see the maximum time that a huge number of the website has not well speedy for mobile. Are you thinking about it as a serious matter? Do you know how much visitors are come from mobile searches? It’s a large number then you imagine. So your site will be super speedy for the mobile device also. Google AMP is the best for increasing your site speed for mobile. CDN is another way to increase website speed. It means a content delivery network. It is an awesome process of reducing the gap between the content reader and the website hosting server. CDN helps to show the content worldwide within less time. You can find out several CDN network provider like Akamai, Max CDN, incapsula etc. Furthermore, the W3 total cache is a popular plugin which can increase your page speed and ability to reduce the download time.
Uses of Vital Tags
In the recent marketing strategy, some tags are vital for your ranking. Though these were not so much effective prior to Google. Now it has a great contribution to rank in the first position. An attracting title and meta description can make your article appealing to the visitor. It will help you to increase click more in different pages. Yost can help you to create a perfect meta and title tags. Perfect keyword selection is the best element to make meta and title wonderfully. It is able to show up your main expression. So you must have to spend some time on these work. There is no chance to avoid it at all.
1) Title Tag
It will be more clear short but eye catchy and attractive to the user. In the title tag, you have to express the main point of your service within short speech. It can’t be copied from the internal part of the content. IT must have to be unique. The title length should have to be the highest 60 characters. If you use more than 60 characters you won’t be accepted to Google. Google will show it incomplete., That looks odd. You may check your title with Moz preview tool before publishing any title.
2) Meta Description
Meta description refers a little bit details about your services or products. You will be a wonder that 43.2 % of people are clicking any search result depending only to see attractive powerful meta description. Google also send visitors to your website according to the description of meta. Google guess about your web pages by this little description. Its limit is 160 characters. You have to present a unique meta description for each content. Here you can also use some important keywords with the main keyword.
It is said that content is the basement of a website. Actually, it is a great medium to express your service properly to users. Most of the traffic comes from regular publishing content. A vast part of this visitor may be turned into a buyer. In a long content, you can add in-depth information, a lot of LSI keywords. So that customer will grab easily. Customers are so much conscious than before. They would like to just very carefully before buying and maximum time they would like to do question. They want to get free chance to ask a question. So it will better to create an opportunity for them. 78% customer love to shop anything after reading content and knowing about the products. The main points of content you have to follow properly I am discussing below-
1) User Experience
On-page SEO is actually working for better user experience. We are giving all of our efforts on our website for the satisfying audience. For this reason, we have to be more careful about the internal structural beauty of our website. We should have always think what can we give the best service to our customers. Which things will be helpful for the audience, we will implement those things on the website. Content readability has a great impact on user better experience. You have to include unique and informative content each week. And it is necessary to care about content readability level. So that reader won’t be confused to understand anything. Expression language will be easier. If they feel difficult to read they may leave the site.
2) Content justifying Algorithm
Google loves to show the more relevant result. Google panda algorithm help to show these results in SERP’s. Panda Algorithm said that no anything it works better than content.
Neil Patel said that Online marketers are spending about 12,5 billion dollars only for content. Google Panda will help you to express your business properly. So it is really effective till now. Before creating your content please try to follow all the rules of the Panda algorithm.
3) Avoid thin and low-quality content
There was a time when long content was enough for ranking but nowadays it is difficult to rank by only long content. The quality of content is more powerful than quantity. So you have to manage your time for writing in-depth quality and long content. For ranking both of these are important. A better content should be at least 2000 words. Any matter can describe easily if you have a better length content. Sometimes Google panda algorithm can give you penalized for very poor thin content. So try to equally maintain the quality and quantity.
4) Updated Content
As a conscious online marketer, you should have aware of the freshness of content. Fresh content has created a great impact on ranking. People are like to get updated new things. It is so necessary to update in different places of content. As well as the date, statics, infographics, and videos should be updated after a fixed time. You have to change at list date or tiny matter which is real change. Consistently, regular and fresh content publishing is so much preferable to Google and users. Moreover, content sharing in different social media can increase customer engagement. It is helpful to increase crawl-ability. Content is also working for interlinking. In this way, you may spread your whole business by internal link up.
5) URL making rules
URL is the most important phrases. It is the address of your valuable web pages. It will be short but attractive to all. Please keep in mind that you can’t change your URL after creating it. If you do so it will be considered as a broken link. You can use hyphen among the words of URL but never use an underscore at all.
Mobile Responsive Page
Google has released an algorithm on April 21, 2015. Which is talking about mobile responsive web pages? It is really important to perform your site properly from an android mobile. Do you know eBay has avoided it and really lost 80% prime ranking? SO online marketers should be aware always about new and updated algorithm. Check your website for mobile responsive.
Final Words
As a talented online business owner, you are already thought about on page SEO. I hope you will implement all of the things I mentioned above. Don’t avoid any little update of Google. Because a little update can grow you or ruin you within a few times. Try to implement all of your strategy for customer satisfaction, Because customer satisfaction is the best satisfaction for Google.